-Actualités-Agent immobilier à Londres-Best Comedy Clubs London
20 février 2019 • Agent immobilier à Londres, Agent immobilier Soho

Best Comedy Clubs London

Best Comedy Clubs London

He who laughs lasts. Or so the saying goes.

Comedy clubs have been an integral part of London culture for decades. Today, you would be hard pressed to find a neighbourhood in London without its own comedy club. Visit some of the main localities in the city like The High Street, Regent Park, Harley Street, and St. Christopher’s Street and you would find super talented comedians and troupes performing at one of the many reputed comedy clubs, showcasing their unique talent.

Soho Theatre

One of the oldest and most prominent venues for comedy in London is the Soho Theatre. One of the finest venues in the world for the performing arts, the Soho Theatre hosts artists from across the world, offering the stage for international recognition and success. Soho Theatre has dedicated comedy performances for kids and adults alike, making it a much-loved venue for audiences.

Union Chapel

Another aesthetically beautiful and very warm and welcoming comedy club is the Union Chapel in Islington. A church, to begin with, the chapel doubles as a comedy club for the locals. Established or amateur, you are likely to find people of all calibres trying their new sets here. The best part? Some of the shows are free of charge and can be attended by absolutely anyone.

Old Rope

If you are looking to catch one of London’s comedy veterans in the act, then the Old Rope at The Phoenix is where you need to be. Celebrated comedians often participate in the Old Rope to try out their freshly-written material. Apart from being a prime entertainment district, the West End is also a hidden food gem. Be sure to visit some of the pubs and restaurants here.


If it’s a crackling night that one is after, then it’s best to head on to the Knock2bag in East London. Highly-eccentric and completely captivating, audiences will find themselves transported to a new universe during the show. Lucky for the audiences, Knock2bag has two comedy clubs in East London – one in Hackney and the other in Bethnal Green.

Si vous résidez à Londres ou si vous cherchez à acheter une maison dans la ville, Parlez à notre agent immobilier à Londres aujourd'hui. We can help you find a home in the heart of London’s comedy circuit. Contact our Soho office on 020 7734 4062, fill in the form below or pop in to our bureau de la rue Broadwick et nous pourrons vous orienter dans la bonne direction.

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Agent immobilier Londres|Agent immobilier Soho