-Actualités-Agent immobilier à Londres-Most Useful Apps in London
17 septembre 2018 - Agent immobilier à Londres

Most Useful Apps in London

Most useful apps in London

If you have decided to make London your home or relocate to the city temporarily, you will agree that some mobile applications can make your daily life here more efficient and productive. Regardless of whether you’re looking at properties to rent in Covent Garden, Soho or Marylebone – Propriétés du Grand Londres shows you without doubt some of the Most Useful Apps in London.


Uber: London has an excellent public transport system, but if you prefer a private, zippy and luxurious ride, download the Uber app. Over seventy million people around the world use the ride-sharing service.


Groupon: You are looking for great deals on restaurants, clothes, spas, fitness centers, electronic products, exhibitions and an array of retail offerings and events? Have a look at attractive discount vouchers on Groupon to save big and enjoy new experiences.


YPlan: As its name suggests, the app does the event planning for you….and for free! The event discovery and booking service tells you what’s on (concerts, theatre, nightlife, comedy shows and various types of events), offers a curated list based on your preferences, helps you book last-minute events, and even includes a convenient map function.


London Live Bus Countdown: This free app provide live bus times. Get minute-by-minute updates to manage your time super-efficiently and when necessary, change route in an easy, informed manner.


CityMapper: Another free app that our out-and-about estate agents London love, Citymapper helps you navigate the city’s extensive public transport network, and covers the Tube, bus and overground rail. You can check out multiple routes and options that help you escape the rain (London has approximately 106 days of rain annually). The app also provides estimated times for public transport, taxi, walking and cycling.


Drinki: Without doubt on of the most useful apps in London is Drinki which makes an offer many people cannot refuse: a free drink a night at the city’s best bars. If you invite friends to download the app, you win more free drinks.


TransferWise: TransferWise is an online money transfer service that makes international money transfers a lot cheaper and more transparent than banks. Their mobile app allows you to convert money in 28 currencies and access exchange rates on-the-go.


So whether you want easy travel, free drinks or a taxis home -download these most useful apps in London and make sure your time here is productive and entertaining.

If you are looking for a house to rent or buy in Central London – give our estate agent London, Greater London Properties a call on 0207 734 4062 or visit our website glp.co.uk.

Agent immobilier à Londres